@café is an Internet café in Shibuya that Takumi Nishijou regularly visits, one of the few places he regularly goes to besides school and his house made out of a shipping container. All of the computers there run the operating system Grouchosoft Mindorz X Perfect (the Science Adventure Series equivalent of Microsoft Windows XP).
Takumi uses the same room every time, Room 37, and usually plays the MMORPG Empire Sweeper Online (shortened ESO) as the character Liselotte there. He plays at different locations for Liselotte and his other character Neidhardt to avoid the ESO admins from tracking his IP address to find out that he has two characters, since he wants to keep Liselotte a secret from everyone who knows about Neidhardt.
Yua Kusunoki also uses @café sometimes and uses Room 36 next door, typically researching the New Generation Madness on websites like the New Gen Wiki to try to get to the bottom of who killed her sister Mia, who died in the first New Gen incident the Group Dive. When Yua visits @café, she always brings along her bag with three Gero Froggies on it, one each in green, red, and yellow.
ChäoS;HEAd NoAH confirms that Shogun visited @café and once used Room 37 to contact Taku, while Rimi stayed in Room 36. Later they used Gigalomaniac powers to alter the chat log and make it look like Takumi was chatting with himself.
@café typically plays music by the four-person Gothic punk band Phantasm at a low volume. The music is louder near the drink machines than in the rooms with computers.
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Organizations and Locations | Committee of 300 • N.O.Z.O.M.I. • Ark Heart Medical • AH Tokyo General Hospital • The Meiwa Party • FaithWorks Limited • Cosmic Church of the Divine Light • Suimei Private Academy • Freesia Credit Bureau • Phantasm • The Base • @café • O-Front | |
Project Noah | Project Noah • Ir2 equation • Noah II • Visual Rebuilding • New Generation Madness • Gero Froggy • Gravitational Error Rate • First Melt • Second Melt • Third Melt • | |
Gigalomaniacs | Gigalomaniacs • DI-Sword • Realbooting • Biorhythm • Dirac Sea | |
Other | Whose eyes are those eyes? • Blood Tune |