ChäoS;HEAd Wiki
ChäoS;HEAd Wiki

Chapter 1 - Eyes in Eyes[]

At the beginning of ChäoS;HEAd, Takumi Nishijou (as his online alter ego Neidhardt) is having an online chat with his friend Grimm, who mentions the New Generation Madness to him, which at the time is just two incidents: the Group Dive incident, an apparent group suicide of five students jumping off a building together that people online were nonetheless calling a murder, and Manchild, a bizarre murder where a man was cut open and a fetus was stuffed inside his belly and then was sewn shut again. Grimm also sends him a drawing by himself of a body penetrated by cross-shaped stakes.

Takumi has no interest in such grotesque things happening in the real world, but then another person who had been lurking in the chat, a stranger with the username Shogun, tells Takumi a bunch of confusing and ominous things, including the phrase “Whose eyes are those eyes?” that only Takumi should know and about the apparent formula fun^10×int^40=Ir2. He then shows Takumi a grisly image of a man impaled and held to a wall by a bunch of small cross-shaped stakes. Takumi is unsettled by this and goes back to his usual gaming afterwards to calm down.

The next day, when going to a store from @café, an Internet café where he likes to play with a different character named Liselotte, he suddenly finds himself on his way home, even though he has no recollection of having visited the store yet. When turning around a corner, he happens to bear witness to the exact same murder scene he had seen an image of the day before: the Cruc-affixion, the third New Gen crime. He sees a pink-haired girl there, covered in blood, holding one of the stakes used in the murder, smiling at him and even more bizarringly greets him by the nickname “Taku”, even though he had never met her before. Calling her a "demon", he runs away screaming, carrying one of the stakes used in the crime back home by mistake.

Yua stalking Takumi

Yua stalking Takumi

A day later, his sister Nanami visits him at his base and begins nagging him about finally getting a cell phone, showing him her own yellow phone with a Gero Froggy phone strap attached to it. She then wants Takumi to walk her to the station, saying that it has been dangerous lately due to the New Gen murders, but when he refuses she runs out of the base in tears and indignation.

The next time Takumi goes to school, a strange blonde girl with glasses is following him around like a stalker, and he nicknames her “Girl A”. He then runs into a hostile dark-haired girl at school who frightens him, who he nicknames “Girl B”. After school he goes to @café to game again, and Girl A seems to still be stalking him, and he notices that Room 36, which is next to the Room 37 he always uses, has a computer displaying the New Gen Wiki and a bag with three Gero Froggies attached to it in green, red, and yellow. After he leaves @café, Girl A is still stalking him. He ends up running away from her but he trips and falls and she catches up with him.

Girl A introduces herself to him as Yua Kusunoki, and while he would rather avoid this stalker, she is very friendly and helpful to him. Because he is having a little trouble walking after his fall, Yua walks Takumi back to the building he lives on the roof of, and accompanies him back up to the metal container he lives in. While she is there, Yua befriends Takumi as he finds out they have a shared interest in the anime Blood Tune and its heroine Seira Orgel, and she seems to be impressed by all of his otaku knowledge.

During this time, Yua finds the stake that Takumi accidentally had brought back from the Cruc-affixion murder. Several days later, Yua and Takumi seem to be very close and are walking home through the park, when Takumi notices that her bag has three Gero Froggies on it and looks like the one he saw at @café in Room 36. Yua gets flustered and drops her bag when he looks at it and all sorts of research materials about the New Gen killings and Takumi fall out.

Takumi is freaked out and tries to run away but Yua grabs him, whips out one of the stakes used in the Cruc-affixion murder, and points it at him, while sternly lecturing him in a repetitive way. She tells him she found this stake in his base and it is evidence he is the New Gen killer. She also shows him chat logs between him and Shogun and how the timestamps do not match up, and tells him the posts by Shogun were made from the same room Takumi uses in @café, and how the image Shogun posted from that room in @café predicted the Cruc-affixion ahead of time. She tells Takumi he has Dissociative Identity Disorder, aka Multiple Personality Disorder, and that he and Shogun are the same person, the New Gen serial killer. Yua admits she was faking being his friend all along, just to gather evidence on him.

Chapter 2 - Click Me[]

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Takumi's doctor analyzing him when he was younger

Fumio Takashina analyzing Takumi when he was younger

Takumi manages to escape from Yua and get back home, feeling betrayed and dismissing her as a lunatic wannabe detective, but upset that some of the evidence she has shown him indicates that some of his memories are apparently wrong. He goes to the hospital the next day to see his psychiatrist Fumio Takashina to be examined so he can prove that he is sane. Dr. Takashina, who treated him for years, has no recollection of ever having met Takumi before, which freaks Takumi out. Still, Dr. Takashina is nice and helpful, and they decide to have Takumi do a sleep study to find out if he is a sleepwalker, since that might explain Takumi posting online as Shogun, if that happens in his sleep. Takumi does a sleep study and dreams of his favorite 2D waifu Seira. He is woken up by the nurse Shino Hazuki, who informs him that Dr. Takashina is gone, has him fill out a survey drawn up by N.O.Z.O.M.I., and sends him home, telling him he showed no signs of sleepwalking and seems to be fine.

At home, he researches about the New Gen murders, mostly under the influence of his online friend Grimm, and inspects the picture of the Cruc-affixion that Shogun had sent him the day before it had taken place. When he brightens the picture, he notices he, too, is in the picture, in the corner running away in a panic.

Takumi continues to follow developments in the New Gen serial killings out on the occult boards of @channel and finds out that there is a prophetic band called Phantasm that predicted several New Gen murders like the Cruc-affixion murder with the lyrics of of their songs. The lead singer of Phantasm, FES, is rumored to have psychic powers. Takumi gets his friend Misumi to get them both tickets to a Phantasm concert two days later, held at a club called Gigantes. Once they are at the concert venue, Takumi chickens out and is afraid to go in. Misumi has to drag him in and they see Phantasm perform the song The Necklace of Vajrayana, the one that predicted the Group Dive, and Takumi sees FES using something that looks like a giant glowing sword as her microphone stand. He has a frightening hallucination during her performance and runs away after only one song.

Some time later, Nanami brings him to a store to buy him a cell phone. While she helps him pick one out, he wanders out and spots a conspicuous girl, Sena Aoi, carrying around a giant glowing toy sword, which nobody else seems to notice her doing this. Nanami picks a cell phone for him and attaches a Gero Froggy to it. He finds this annoying, but the girl with the sword interests him. Takumi and Nanami then go to Shibuya McD to eat a hamburger and set up his new phone.

That same night, while chatting in ESO, Grimm suddenly uses the phrase "Whose eyes are those eyes?", which takes Takumi aback as only he should know it. Grimm then tells him that the fourth New Gen case has happened and sends him a link to an auction website. On the auction site, a seller named Vampbuyer has put a photo of a blood-drained corpse up on auction before the corpse had even been found. Takumi is terrified when he discerns the words "Whose eyes are those eyes?" written in blood on a wall in the photo.

Chapter 3 - Shogun[]

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At @café the next week, he receives a phone call from a certain unknown number on his new phone. He does not answer the call, first not noticing it coming from his own phone, but does not attempt to call back.

Walking out of @café in the evening, he notices the same conspicuous girl (Sena Aoi) he had seen with Nanami and remembers seeing her at school, namely as "Girl B". The girl approaches him and asks him if he can see her sword and swings her sword at him. Terrified that she might have hostile intentions, Takumi cowers in fear and barely manages to answer her question. Sena calls her sword a DI-Sword and tells him to let her know if he sees any "errors". She then curtly introduces herself and informs him that he can find her on the train in front of the station, after which she abruptly vanishes, leaving Takumi confounded.

Some time the same week, Takumi walks to school with his sister Nanami, who had managed to catch up with him when he tried to run away from her. While walking to school, Nanami suddenly finds herself in a daze and almost gets overrun by a car. Takumi quickly pulls her back before the car hits her. Nanami, confused, explains she heard her parents on the other side of the road calling her, and points at an otaku-looking man with a backpack on the other side of the road, pointing his camera lens at them. Takumi briskly walks away to school with Nanami following him. At school, Misumi tells Takumi how he found out FES’s real name, Ayase Kishimoto. Misumi tries hitting on Ayase after spotting her in the hall but she ignores him and walks straight to Takumi. Ayase tells Takumi he is one of the chosen ones and asks if he has found his sword. After he says no, she tells him he needs to find a DI-Sword before it is too late.

On the way home, he is stopped by some detectives, Yasuji Ban and Mamoru Suwa, who question him about the Cruc-affixion, seemingly unaware of his connections to it. Takumi ends up blurting out everything that had happened when Ban begins becoming suspicious of him, and the detectives promise to protect him from the so-called "demon girl", the name Takumi has given the girl.

Sena confronting Takumi

Sena confronting Takumi

In his base, Takumi starts to feel “the gaze” and calls out to whoever is watching him. A female voice answers. He turns around to see the pink-haired demon girl, the one he saw at the Cruc-affixion crime scene. He begs her for mercy, screams for help and bumps his head, but no help arrives. The girl is very pretty, always smiling and acting friendly and calls him “Taku” as if she is a friend, and when he calls her a murderer, she acts surprised and offended that he would say such a mean thing. She also acts insulted that he would forget her when they have been friends for so long. Takumi learns that her name is Rimi Sakihata and that she is best friends with him and Misumi. He does not believe any of this, having never met her before at school. To make him believe her, Rimi has him give Misumi a phone call, and Misumi confirms Rimi is correct and says that he and Takumi became friends because of Rimi. Takumi, still skeptical and frightened by her, tells Rimi to go away and she leaves.

Takumi remembers what Ayase and Sena told him about needing to get a DI-Sword, and looks online on the Deluoode search engine for where to get one, because he is scared of Rimi and desperate for a way to defend himself. He finds out on a blog about a shop that sells them. He goes there and buys what they claim is a DI-Sword, although it looks kinda sketchy and is nothing at all like the DI-Swords he saw Sena and Ayase with. The DI-Sword comes with a free bangle. Takumi goes home with the DI-Sword and bangle and his sister Nanami is there. She laughs at him for having a sword, but expresses interest in the bangle. Takumi says he was planning on throwing the bangle away but Nanami can have it if she wants. Nanami is thrilled and puts the bangle on her right wrist, saying how this is the first gift Takumi has ever given her and she will always treasure it, before she leaves.

On another evening, Takumi is hungry and goes to the convenience store but finds no one there. He goes outside and finds the streets empty too. He goes downtown to the Shibuya Crossing, the busiest pedestrian street crossing in the world, but somehow it is entirely deserted too. Then, he spots a small old man in a wheelchair wearing a beanie. The old man comes up to him and introduces himself as Shogun, and tells Takumi that he must awaken before it is too late, or else many more people will die. Takumi is very frightened, since he considers Shogun to be the mastermind behind the New Gen serial killings and the “demon girl” Rimi, as well as Yua, to be his underlings. Then he finds himself suddenly surrounded by people and cannot see Shogun anymore, being very disoriented, and Rimi shows up to rescue him. She walks back home with him, and he finds her presence comforting, and he goes from viewing her as a “demon girl” to accepting her as a friend and relying on her for moral support.

Chapter 4 - DI-Sword[]

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While wandering around downtown Shibuya in the Shibuya Crossing, Takumi notices a chain on the ground which leads him to a streetcar, where he finds Sena Aoi. Sena tells him that she was the one responsible for the chain, calling it an "error" she had conjured. She tells him about all sorts of strange scientific theories such as patented technology for Visual Rebuilding and a conspiracy involving N.O.Z.O.M.I. Most of it sounds like nonsense to him but he looks it up online afterwards and finds out that Visual Rebuilding is a real technology developed at Viktor Chondria University in the 1990s and all her theories seem to match the evidence he finds online.

Yua barging into Takumi's room

Yua barging into Takumi’s room

Back at @café again, Takumi is playing a game when suddenly Yua barges into the room and confronts him, once again accusing him of being the New Gen murderer and telling him about how he supposedly has Dissociative Identity Disorder. He runs away from her into a park but then notices a cop there, watching him. He runs away in paranoia and notices that he has perpetrators. He keeps running until he is outside the Gigantes club where he saw FES (a.k.a. Ayase) perform, and finds FES outside the club. FES tells him he has to run and to give her his hand, and together they run away. She helps him lose the people chasing him and find safety in a tunnel.

In the tunnel, FES/Ayase talks to him about DI-Swords and explains that they are a power that people known as Gigalomaniacs possess. Ayase pulls her DI-Sword out of thin air and then conjures up a second Ayase who is dressed differently, out of thin air, with the other Ayase standing on the opposite side of Takumi. Takumi asks about why the fake DI-Sword he got from the store is not like hers or Sena’s and how he can get a real one, and Ayase explains that one cannot buy a DI-Sword, but has to get it directly out of the Dirac Sea. Both Ayases take turns explaining about DI-Swords and Gigalomaniacs to Takumi until the lecture is complete, and then the delusion of the Ayase that the real Ayase projected into Takumi's brain disappears, and Ayase and Takumi part ways.

At home, he comes across a newly uploaded video on MewTube, showing what had happened at the Group Dive. Before the group jumped off the building, a single person whispered "Whose eyes are those eyes?", thus proving that the Group Dive was part of the New Gen murders.

Chapter 5 - Delusion and Chapter 6 - Noah[]

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Not too long after, his new best friend Rimi has been absent from school for days and he feels all alone. An earthquake hits, the Second Melt, and along with all the figurines falling from the shelf in his base, his computer crashes and he has to reformat the hard drive. He manages to reformat it and reinstall the operating system Grouchosoft Mindorz X Perfect and the game Empire Sweeper Online and to restore his character data for his level 50 paladin Neidhardt. He goes to school to see to look for Rimi.

Ayase on a flowerbed

Ayase in a flowerbed after jumping off Suimei Academy’s roof

At Suimei Academy, Misumi points out to Takumi that Ayase is standing on the roof of the school and looks like she is going to jump. Some of the students start chanting for Ayase to jump off the roof to her death, actually hoping she commits suicide in front of them. Ayase offers a prayer to what she calls “The Great Will” and jumps off the roof. Takumi closes his eyes and quickly thinks about what could possibly save her, and thinks that if there were a soft flowerbed on the ground instead of pavement, she would land safely. He opens his eyes to find that Ayase did indeed land on a flowerbed, one that was not there before which nobody else seems to notice, and while Ayase is injured, she is still breathing. She is soon taken away by an ambulance and Takumi runs away, alarmed by what happened.

Sena chases after Takumi, and in a park, she catches up with him and confronts Takumi about how he got the flowerbed to appear to save Ayase’s life. She tells him that it should not have been possible for him to realboot a delusion into reality without a DI-Sword, and asks him if he has his DI-Sword yet. When he denies it, Sena is angered and asks Takumi whether he is part of the Cosmic Church of the Divine Light or works for N.O.Z.O.M.I., threatening him with her DI-Sword, but he has no idea what she is talking about so she lets him go.

Back at home, Takumi sets up his email program again and finds an email from his sister Nanami, which alarms him as he never gave her his email address. It turns out the email is apparently from Shogun, who says he has sent Takumi a present, and who claims to be holding Nanami hostage and is threatening to kill her. Takumi calls Nanami’s cell phone for reassurance but hears the ringtone coming from somewhere nearby and there is no answer. Takumi notices a box in his room that was not there before, which he concludes must have been slipped in while at school. Slowly and very apprehensively, he opens it and inside finds a severed right hand with Nanami’s cell phone in it, ringing, and around the wrist of the hand is the bangle Nanami took from Takumi as a gift.

Takumi O-Front

Takumi at O-Front

Takumi goes to the roof of the O-Front building downtown as instructed by Shogun, desperate to save his sister Nanami’s life, with a Seira figurine in his pocket for good luck. Shogun, hiding in the shadows and speaking through a voice changer, orders him to walk to the edge of the building, and Takumi complies, despite a hallucination of Seira telling Takumi not to fall for it. A large crowd is gathered down below and watch Takumi, chanting "Whose eyes are those eyes?" at him, with several spotlights aimed at Takumi, and he finds his image projected on several jumbotrons around Shibuya Crossing. Shogun tells Takumi that he has to find his DI-Sword or else Nanami will die. Takumi finds a DI-Sword way off in the distance and tries to grasp it, coming close to falling off the ledge, but is unable to do it, whereupon his delusion of Seira advises him to give up and go home. Takumi gives up, but when Shogun challenges him, Takumi charges at Shogun, furious at him for having hurt Nanami. All he finds there is a wheelchair and a Darth Spider mask from Spark Wars. He is swarmed by reporters and faints.

Chapter 7 - Psychopath[]

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The next day, a depressed Takumi wakes up in AH Tokyo General Hospital and finds the nurse Shino Hazuki caring for him. She says how his family all visited, including his sister Nanami, which surprises him because he thought Nanami was dead. He asks if there was anything wrong with Nanami since he thought her right hand was chopped off. Hazuki assures him that Nanami seemed perfectly healthy. Takumi then goes home and looks online where he finds out that everyone thinks he falsely claimed to be an ESPer, having been dicovered by the famous ESPer Yuri Brightman. Takumi was supposed to name the New Gen killer, but instead made a fool of himself publicly in front of hundreds of thousands of TV viewers, with multiple TV channels showing his entire humiliating ordeal live and getting record audience numbers. Being humiliated, he does not leave home for days. When he returns to school, his classmates make fun of him and his friend Misumi avoids him.

He hears a voice in his head at school trying to cheer him up, claiming to be “Kozupii”, though he dismisses this as a delusion. After school, some thugs try to beat him up, who were apparently paid by a man in a wheelchair wearing a Darth Spider Mask. Takumi beats them up subconciously, possibly by using his Gigalomaniac powers.[1] The new transfer student in Takumi’s class, Kozue Orihara, shows up in front of the now-beaten-up thugs and helps him get up. She introduces herself to Takumi afterwards, which makes him very confused since he hears her voice directly in his head instead of from her mouth. Kozue (who calls herself “Kozupii”) explains how she is not capable of speaking normally because she is very shy, but she can communicate telepathically using her Gigalomaniac powers, and tells Takumi how she has had telepathic powers her entire life and is unable to ever turn them off.

Kozue tells Takumi about how her only friend is Sena Aoi, who she tells him is actually very nice. Some of the things Kozue says are frightening, though, like when she talks about how much she wants to kill people, and how she almost killed a homeless guy, Issei Hatano. Hatano had also told her that the boy who has birthed "Whose eyes are those eyes?" is the most special Gigalomaniac of them all. After a while, Sena shows up, and the three of them talk about how they are Gigalomaniacs with DI-Swords and that there is an evil company called N.O.Z.O.M.I. that must be stopped, while eating Sena’s favorite food, blue Crunchy-kun popsicles. They take a picture together in commemoration of their becoming friends.

At school, he notices his sister Nanami having an absent-minded expression, and begins rushing to her. When he notices that she has a bandage around her right wrist, he immediately stops and decides against talking to her out of fear and anxiety.

Chapter 8 - Ir2[]

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At his base, he finds out about the seventh New Gen case, DQN Puzzle, but Rimi promptly shuts off his PC to make him think about other things. After Rimi leaves, he starts to ponder what Issei Hatano said to Kozue, leading to him finding the essay "Whose eyes are those eyes?" he had written in elementary school. On the back of the essay, he finds a crude drawing with the formula fun^10×int^40=Ir2 written above. Not being able to make sense of the formula and stressed out because it was the same one Shogun had sent him, he leaves the essay be.

A few days later he visits Ayase, who is still recovering at the AH Tokyo General Ward, with Rimi and Misumi. Rimi leaves to go to the bathroom before Takumi and Misumi manage to find Ayase's room, which is empty. Worried that Rimi might not find Ayase's room since she had not come back for some time, they split up to try and find her and Ayase. While wandering around the hospital, Takumi discovers a dead end seemingly ending in a black void. At the same moment, he feels “the gaze“ intensely looking at him and begins feeling incredibly unwell, and rushes to the nurses' station to request some alleviation. The nurse present, Shino Hazuki, murmurs to herself while scribbling something on a clipboard, and does not seem to notice him. After she leaves, he enters the nurses' station to wait for her, and sees that the clipboard she had written on is full of drawings of a body with cross-shaped stakes penetrated through it, resembling the Cruc-affixion.

When Takumi meets up with Misumi, they happen to bear witness to Rimi and Ayase talking with each other on the roof of the adjacent outpatient ward through a window, when Ayase suddenly slaps Rimi across the face. They meet Ayase back in her room, Misumi leaves because he cannot keep up with her rambling and Ayase begins talking to Takumi about DI-Swords, the flowerbed, her past among other subjects. Back in the outpatient lobby, Takumi, Rimi and Misumi watch the news on a television where they are announcing that a suspect, Komaeda Shingo, has been arrested for the Cruc-affixion. These news somewhat reassure Takumi that seeing Rimi at the crime scene of the Cruc-affixion had just been a delusion, that he in fact did not have Dissociative Identity Disorder, and that he had just been paranoid all this time. Right after that, he receives a phone call in which his sister Nanami with a pained voice asks for her missing right hand.

Takumi and Rimi walk back to his base together while Takumi is thinking about visiting home to check in on Nanami. In front of his base, he hesitantly asks Rimi if she could accompany him, but they are interrupted by hearing a DI-Sword realbooting followed by a menacing aura. They look up to the roof of the base and see Sena, who is standing with his old essay in her hand and questions him about the Ir2 formula, with Kozue clinging onto her legs. When he confirms that he had written it, she jumps down and attempts slashing him with her sword in pure hatred, but he gets pulled back by Rimi at the very last moment. All of a sudden, Rimi draws her own DI-Sword with which she tries protecting Takumi, confirming that she, too, is a Gigalomaniac.

Rimi deflecting

Rimi deflecting Sena's strike

Sena tries arguing with Rimi about what Takumi has done, but Rimi cuts her short, saying that it would be disastrous if Takumi were to become a Gigalomaniac and that she would not allow her to kill him. Sena dashes towards Takumi who is all defenceless, but Rimi manages to subdue Sena by forcing a delusion of her father onto her. Sena, incapable of fighting anymore, slumps down on the ground and when Kozue threatens Rimi, Rimi leaves her be.

Chapter 9 - Gigalomaniac[]

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Chapter 10 - Ending A - Silent Sky[]

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Takumi fighting Norose

Takumi fighting Norose

Eventually, Takumi awakens his Gigalomaniac powers with the help of Shogun and uses his DI-Sword to defeat Gen'ichi Norose, the leader of N.O.Z.O.M.I., and destroys the Noah II artificial Gigalomaniac device. This saves everyone from Norose’s plan of using the Noah II device to create a perfect utopia where everybody is happy and where the Committee of 300 will never be able to take power.

True ending - Ending AA - Blue Sky[]

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Chapter 10 - Ending B - Crying Sky[]

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Nanami route - Daydream[]

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Yua route - Sun and Moon[]

Shocked by and grieving over her sister's apparent suicide, Yua began looking for a message her sister could have left behind. She found her diary, a good part of it filled with daily logs that suddenly transitions into the written phrase "Whose eyes are those eyes?" as the log for September 6, the day before the incident. Yua began investigating the phrase's origin and stumbled upon the title of an essay by Takumi Nishijou, the essay having won a contest six years ago. One day, while walking through Shoto Park, her classmate warned her not to approach "Nishijou", who was as always sitting alone on a bench eating his breakfast, since he is an "otaku and a shut-in". Still being somewhat unsure if it is the same Nishijou, she tries out an experiment in Chapter 1.

In Chapter 1, before class, Yua writes "Whose eyes are those eyes?" on the blackboard in Takumi's homeroom, while wondering loudly how he would react upon seeing the phrase. Later, when Takumi comes to school and catches sight of the phrase scribbled on the blackboard, he erases it in a hurry, Yua observing all of it. On her way home from school, she watches the news of the latest New Gen murder Cruc-affixion and becomes convinced that he had committed the New Gen murders.

In Chapter 8, now titled as "Sun and Moon", events first play out like in the normal route, playing out differently only after Yua leaves Freesia. After leaving, Yua, bewildered over Takumi having been removed from the list of suspects, runs into Mamoru Suwa, the detective working under Yasuji Ban. Suwa first chats with her about how he visited her family after the Group Dive, and then loudly wonders why Takumi had a Darth Spider helmet in his possession, just like the New Gen culprit. Now being completely certain that Takumi is the culprit behind the New Gen murders and finally having conclusive evidence to pin him down with, Yua makes her way to Takumi's base.
Yua route1

Yua pinning down Takumi in his base

After reading about the seventh New Gen case, DQN Puzzle, Takumi hears someone knocking on the door to his base. Hoping it is Rimi, he opens the cargo door only to be met by Yua forcibly trying to subdue him with her hand on his mouth, which he answers by biting down on it as hard as he can. Yua, not letting go of him, pins him down against the floor and repeats to him over and over again that his "other personality 'Shogun'" had murdered her sister Mia, which she wants him to let out. Being utterly confused and denying everything she tells him, he cannot comply with her request, and begins sobbing out of sheer terror of perhaps being her prisoner forever. Yua swears to him that she will not let him go until "Shogun" has showed himself.

At the Shibuya McD, Ban is looking through the investigation files for the Group Dive, focusing especially on Yua's sister Mia's file. The investigation team had strangely enough discovered a pair of glasses in Mia's possession even though she had perfect eyesight, and right before the incident some twins had also been spotted entering the Shibuya McD who had after a chat gone on a long bathroom break. Ban ponders how all of these incidents could be connected.

Takumi, fastly tied to his bed, has now been held prisoner by Yua for 18 hours all while she has been intently watching him. Although he had tried repeatedly to convince her she was mistaken, she never responded. After some time, she had started muttering to herself about his "other self", that served as the "embodiment of his dark side", begging "Shogun" to show himself and answer why he killed Mia. Yua had also made Takumi a plate of pasta, which he has been refusing for the last couple of hours. She tries feeding it to him and after an hour of being terrified of her persistence, he finally gives in and lets her feed him, finding the food disgusting. After asking her why she is so obstinate about him being the New Gen culprit, she proceeds to explain everything to him. He begins to understand her pain. After a day or two, Yua falls asleep from utter fatigue. Thinking about what to do and about Yua's past, Takumi begins feeling drowsy too and falls asleep.

When he comes to, he decides to wait for Yua, yet she does not come for a long time and Takumi tries to free himself, failing. He begins thinking that he should submit to her so that she does not hurt him and takes care of him instead. Suddenly, Yua walks into his base and yanks at his hair, wishing that Takumi could finally summon his other personality "Shogun". She shows him her sister's diary,
Ev 211

Mia and Yua together on a photo.

which would prove to him that his other self "Shogun" had only been targeting her sister Mia. Takumi denies everything she throws at him, tries to explain who the real Shogun is, and eventually points out that it is "Yua"'s diary and not Mia's, as evidenced by the front cover of the notebook. Yua, puzzled, decides to look at the cover but can only read "Mia's diary". She becomes confused and not sure what to believe in and after Takumi doubts Mia's very existence, she tells him that Mia had a mole under her left breast and shows her own chest to him. They discover that she has one, too, and Yua becomes unsure of her own identity. Yua shows him a photo of Yua and Mia together on her phone, but when Takumi asks her which one of the two she really is, she slowly starts pointing at Mia, though gets interrupted by the Third Melt.

"Yua", now revealed to be Mia, suddenly remembers everything. Right before the Group Dive, at 17:02 on September 7th, her sister Yua and her had gone to the Shibuya McD where she had asked her sister Yua if she could go to an anime offline meeting right after in place of her, due to a lack of confidence. Yua accepted and they swapped clothes. Determined to imitate her sister as best as she could, she waved Mia goodbye and left for the meeting.

When Takumi and Mia come to, she first unties the knot holding him, notably without the need of glasses, and tells him that she has come to realise that she is in fact Mia and that Yua was the one who had died. She blames herself for her death and requests Takumi to come with her to Cornelius Tower, the crime scene of the Group Dive, not caring about "Shogun" anymore. They make their way to the building, see the destruction in the town that followed the Third Melt, and climb up Cornelius Tower. Mia theorises to Takumi that her parents had lied to her about who had died to protect her from the truth and that they perhaps had wanted Mia dead because they had favoured her less than Yua. Mia feels guilty about what she has done to Yua as she loved her dearly, and starts crying. Up on the rooftop she asks Takumi if he wants to join her in her suicide, but he refuses and tells her she would not gain any sympathy from him. She jumps from the rooftop, but regrets her decision before landing on the pavement. Suddenly, she is on the rooftop with Takumi again, and realises that it had been a delusion. Crying, she tells Takumi that she regretted jumping whereupon he reassures her that she has suffered enough and that she could live life for Yua's sake instead. Mia sincerely thanks him.

Ayase route - A Contract of Blood to Seal Our Sin[]

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Kozue route - The Sickness unto Slaughter[]

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Sena route - Deus Ex Machina[]

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Rimi route - The Anima Image[]

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  • The Kozue route was originally much more violent and grotesque. Some lines were removed and some scenes like when Takumi discovers the rooftop, Rimi's death, and how Nanami was assaulted were all altered for the retail version.


  1. As evidenced in Ending B - Crying Sky.