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A “DI-sword”, short for Delusion Ideal-Sword, is a weapon wielded by Gigalomaniacs in order to ease realbooting as well as to fight. DI-swords glow and are capable of cutting, slashing and stabbing, as well as giving other people delusions and even altering reality.

DI-swords can be in one of two modes; in “error” mode, a DI-sword is unable to cut anything and goes right through everything without causing any damage. This is a mode in which the DI-sword is a shared delusion among Gigalomaniacs. In “realbooted” mode, however, anyone can see the DI-sword, and it can cause physical damage as the DI-sword now physically exists in reality. A Gigalomaniac who is wielding a DI-sword can switch their DI-sword between those two modes instantaneously, whenever they want.

After the death of its owner, a DI-sword disappears in a mass of black particles.[1]


The character Sena Aoi explains that every operation in the world can be described using the numbers 0, 1, and -1. DI-swords are shortcuts to creating -1s, aka realbooting. According to the hole theory of the Dirac equation, when a Gigalomaniac opens the channel between a DI-sword and the Dirac Sea, pair production takes place. When pair production occurs particles and antiparticles are created. These particles are what Sena Aoi calls delusional “errors”.


A DI-sword reflects the character, feelings and/or the wants of its wielder, more often than not taking on a sword-like appearance although not necessarily needing to do so.[2] A DI-sword can moreover change its appearance progressively with its wielder's ageing.[3] When in error mode, a DI-Sword's emitted light is blue, while in realbooted mode, its light is described as bright red.[4]

Manifestation or discovery[]

DI-swords are found or appear when a Gigalomaniac’s biorhythm rises, which causes excessive amounts of dopamine to be released in the limbic system's neurons. One’s biorhythm rises when one is under agitation or stimulation regardless of what kind or the source. It varies from person to person and the greater the “stimulation” the easier it is to observe the rise in biorhythm. One guaranteed method to raise biorhythms is by increasing GE rates.


  • The DI-swords are named after flowers.


  1. ChäoS;HEAd NoAH — The Sickness unto Slaughter (Kouze Route)
  2. As shown by Shogun's DI-sword in Delusion of Zero.
  3. ChäoS;HEAd NoAH — “Gentiana scabra” tip
  4. ChäoS;HEAd NoAHA Contract of Blood to Seal Our Sin (Ayase route)


Organizations and Locations Committee of 300N.O.Z.O.M.I.Ark Heart MedicalAH Tokyo General HospitalThe Meiwa PartyFaithWorks LimitedCosmic Church of the Divine LightSuimei Private AcademyFreesia Credit BureauPhantasmThe Base@caféO-Front
Project Noah Project NoahIr2 equationNoah IIVisual RebuildingNew Generation MadnessGero FroggyGravitational Error RateFirst MeltSecond MeltThird Melt
Gigalomaniacs GigalomaniacsDI-SwordRealbootingBiorhythmDirac Sea
Other Whose eyes are those eyes?Blood Tune