Users started giving nicknames to the cases in online message boards
The New Generation Madness (nicknamed “New Gen” by @channel) is a series of seven violent and ruthless murder cases in the Shibuya area of Tokyo which took place between September 7, 2009 and November 4, 2009. The police detectives Yasuji Ban and Mamoru Suwa investigate them, with Ban getting help from the private detective Katsuko Momose. Many of the characters of ChäoS;HEAd are potential suspects in these cases.
Online, people on sites like @channel and the New Gen Wiki keep close track of the New Gen cases. There are many popular theories revolving the New Gen murders and some of them are explained as follows.
The New Gen serial killings take place in the following order:
- Group Dive - September 7, 2009
- Manchild - September 19, 2009
- Cruc-affixion - September 29, 2009
- Vampbuyer - October 10, 2009
- Numbskull - October 23, 2009
- Finger Food - October 28, 2009
- DQN Puzzle - November 4, 2009
The timeline of the related three Melts (manmade earthquakes) is as follows:
- First Melt, magnitude 3.0 - estimated early July 2009 (about two months before the Group Dive)
- Second Melt, magnitude 5.0 - October 27, 2009 (one day before Finger Food)
- Third Melt, magnitude 7.8 - November 6, 2009 (two days after DQN Puzzle)
Theories vs. the Truth[]
The New Gen killings were by some people suspected to have some sort of connection to the occult, as they started happening after a magnitude 3 earthquake two months before the first incident, the Group Dive. Eight people died from this small earthquake that occurred within Shibuya, which is an unusually high number for such a low magnitude. The people who supported the occult theories about New Gen believed that the deaths from the earthquake incident should be counted as the first New Gen incident, since they suspected that the victims were in reality murdered and then falsely counted as earthquake victims.
Another theory that some believed was that the murders were all done by a single serial killer. However, most of the police who were investigating the New Gen cases originally took the opposite approach, investigating each of the New Gen cases separately as unrelated incidents. Detective Yasuji Ban disagreed with this approach and investigated them as related incidents, also investigating cases not assigned to him, and was treated as a quack by most of his colleagues at the police department. While Ban’s partner Mamoru Suwa listened to his theories, Suwa also acted quite skeptical of them.
It turns out that the reason for Suwa’s skepticism towards Ban’s ideas was that Mamoru Suwa, masked with a Darth Spider costume, and Shino Hazuki were the duo responsible for the New Gen serial killings, each doing about half of them. As Grimm, Shino Hazuki tried to get Takumi Nishijou interested in the serial killings, but at first is not very successful. She and Suwa began working harder at carrying out the killings in a way that upsets Takumi, to give Takumi enough psychological distress that he awakens as a Gigalomaniac.
However, Mamoru Suwa and Shino Hazuki did not act alone. Their killings were done as part of Project Noah, orchestrated by Gen'ichi Norose along with Kouzou Inohana and Yuudai Kuramochi, and they were carrying out orders given to them from above on behalf of N.O.Z.O.M.I., The Meiwa Party, and the Cosmic Church of the Divine Light. Specifically, Yuudai Kuramochi is the one who orchestrates the New Gen serial killings by giving out the orders to Suwa and Shino who blindly obey him, as he is their religious leader.
The primary purpose of these killings was to put enough stress on Takumi to awaken him as a Gigalomaniac so his CODE sample could be used in Noah II, to strengthen it to the point where it could be used for world domination, with the help of Porters to extend its range. There were also a few other side purposes, such as covering things up involving GE rate experiments.
Project Noah itself was originally a project of the Committee of 300, although the leaders of the Committee’s front organizations N.O.Z.O.M.I., The Meiwa Party, and the Cosmic Church of the Divine Light rebelled against the Committee and were plotting world domination for themselves rather than for the Committee. The New Gen killings were done on behalf of N.O.Z.O.M.I., The Meiwa Party, and the Cosmic Church of the Divine Light, rather than on behalf of the Committee of 300.

Part of a web search done by Takumi Nishijou showing the threads in @channel related to prophetic powers and precognitive powers. This led him to the discovery of the band Phantasm and their vocalist FES.
“Phantasm” and “FES” had been the most popular topic on @channel threads related to prophecy and predictions ever since the New Gen murders started happening. At a certain point of time, a four-person Gothic punk band known as “Phantasm” were said to have prophetic lyrics related to the murders happening on @channel. Their vocalist was a girl by the name of “FES” and the band originally came from Shibuya.
[[File:Part of FES conversation thread 1.jpg|thumb|300px|A screenshot of a web search done by Takumi Nishijou showing a thread in @channel with lyrics from the song The Necklace of Vajrayana ~Excerpt from the Gladioul Book of the Wicked-Hearted King~ about the Cruc-affixion incident which was prophesied by the Gothic punk band Phantasm. In the original ChäoS;HEAd, the band had a song with lyrics related to the Cruc-affixion incident, Crucifixion Mass ~Excerpt from the Gladioul Chronicle of the Revelation Psalms~, that was released two months before that incident actually happened, which caused a public uproar about the band having predicted the future. A “cross-shaped stake” is mentioned in the lyrics of this Crucifixion Mass song, which makes it quite significant when compared with the actual Cruc-affixion incident. In ChäoS;HEAd NoAH, it was instead the song The Necklace of Vajrayana ~Excerpt from the Gladioul Book of the Wicked-Hearted King~ that supposedly predicted the Cruc-affixion.
The detailed log also shows that all of the three incidents belonging to New Gen had been prophesied in the lyrics beforehand. The only difference is that the songs predicting the Group Dive and Manchild were not posted on @channel. It was said that the lyrics for those other songs were a little gruesome to be posted online for everyone to see.
The Group Dive[]

A photo of the Group Dive
The Group Dive was the first and most debated of the New Gen cases, also having the highest death count with five dead, and occurred on September 7, 2009, at approximately 11:30 PM. Five high school students jumped off of the heliport on the roof of Cornelius Tower and fell to their deaths. In the postmortem, it was said that they all had scratches on their hands and small pieces of flesh under their fingernails, which led the police to believe that they had jumped off while holding hands.
The families of the deceased all said that they did not have any motive for killing themselves, with the exception of the family of Mia Kusunoki which did not make any public statements. Also, none of them left suicide notes behind. Interestingly, only employees had access to the roof of Cornelius Tower and the door leading to the roof was always locked, which was also the case during the time of the incident. All of the victims’ belongings were searched and none of them had the key to the rooftop access or any connections with anyone who worked there, making it completely unclear as to how five of the students managed to get onto the rooftop in the first place.
Because of these facts, people started to believe it was homicide, not suicide, and the first of the New Gen cases. The most popular theory was that another person had been present along with the five students, and that this sixth person had the key for rooftop access, and had then either tricked them into jumping or pushed them off, to make it look like they all committed suicide.
Some months after the case, a video of the five jumping was leaked to MewTube which showed the victims huddled together on the rooftop, crying and begging for mercy. Takumi Nishijou heard a sound in the background that he recognized as the wheelchair of Shogun at 11:30 PM. There were three males and two females.
It turned out that this was a murder done by Mamoru Suwa, who used a porter device from N.O.Z.O.M.I. to give the five students a delusion that there was a mob on the roof that were threatening to kill them, and that there was a staircase they could use to escape. In fact, the mob and staircase were both fictional, and when the five students tried to escape by going down the staircase they saw, they fell off the building to their deaths. As far as the MewTube video, it was a fake that Suwa made using Visual Rebuilding to project his delusions into a video. Suwa had actually been in a wheelchair when he committed the crime, while wearing a mask of Darth Spider from the in-universe Spark Wars movies. Suwa used a wheelchair in order to frame Shogun and used a Darth Spider mask because he was fan of Spark Wars.
[[File:Mewtube video about the group dive.jpg|thumb|300px|Fake MewTube video about the Group Dive]] The MewTube video being fake was discovered by Yasuji Ban who noticed that one major building, the Roppongi Bills, did not appear in the MewTube video, despite being clearly visible as a tall building in the skyline when Ban went to the top of Cornelius Tower himself to compare the view in real life to the view from the video. Down in the lobby of the Cornelius Tower were photos on the walls from back when Cornelius Tower was under construction, and at that time, Roppongi Bills was also under construction too and much shorter. Suwa had accidentally done the Visual Rebuilding to generate the fake video wrong by misremembering what he had seen on the roof of the tower and mixing up part of the skyline with a photo of that part of the skyline he had seen in the lobby. The lobby had photos of that part of the skyline from both day and night but Suwa only saw the current skyline at night when he was on the roof and did not get as good of a view as he needed to be able to reconstruct everything later from memory perfectly.

Manchild was the second New Gen incident and the first that was clearly a murder, with two victims, namely a man and a fetus. At 5 AM on September 19, 2009, a worker at a karaoke bar was the first to discover the body of Chizuo Konoe, aged 21, a university student in Shibuya. He was dead when his body was found under a bridge, and the estimated time of death was 1 AM.
The young man’s abdomen was oddly swollen, and an autopsy later revealed that his stomach had been cut open, a fetus inserted, and then he had been sewn up again. Some of the stitching was torn out, implying that the victim was still alive when he was cut open. This is why this incident got the name “Manchild” online.
The fetus had been about eight months old, and its identity was unclear. Likewise that of the mother, even though the baby would have had been removed via C-section. DNA analysis showed that the man and fetus were unrelated, and furthermore, the man was unmarried and did not have any relationships with any women.
It later turned out that the murderer was Shino Hazuki, who had been impregnated by her boyfriend Mamoru Suwa many months earlier. She had cut herself open to perform the operation and then sewed up the victim.

The real Cruc-affixion
The Cruc-affixion was the third New Gen incident, this time a murder with only one victim, and Takumi Nishijou personally witnessed part of it. The victim was Outa Hissashi, a 56-year-old professor at Totou University who had recently given a public lecture on TV about GE rates on Yuri Brightman’s TV show. On September 28, 2009, a day before he was killed, he was scheduled to talk about GE rates on TV again on the public broadcaster MHK, but The Meiwa Party pressured MHK into dropping the program.
What Takumi saw was a crime scene awash with blood, cross-shaped iron stakes driven through the body and into concrete, but the reality of the case was that the victim was strangled, and then was pinned up on the concrete wall of an abandoned building by his clothes. Most of the crosses only went through his clothes, although a couple snagged on him.
Residents of the neighborhood where the crime took place reported that they heard a sound like someone hammering starting at around 8 PM on September 29, 2009. It was estimated that the murder started at around that time and that it had lasted for over an hour. The corpse’s mouth was left hanging open, showing that he struggled for quite some time before giving his final breath. The stakes used were not from Japan but imported from Germany. Other than that, there was not much evidence left behind at the crime scene itself.

Takumi’s hallucination of the Cruc-affixion with Rimi present
Takumi saw Rimi Sakihata at the crime scene and hallucinated her as covered in blood and with a stake in her hand. FES of the band Phantasm (real name Ayase Kishimoto) had written and publicly performed a song predicting this murder called The Necklace of Vajrayana ~Excerpt from the Gladioul Book of the Wicked-Hearted King~ a month before it happened. Takumi fled the scene of the crime in horror after seeing it, which was caught on camera by the police. Takumi also accidentally brought one of the stakes from the crime home and it was found by Yua Kusunoki as well as caught on camera in his hand while he was fleeing. This meant that Takumi suspected Rimi of being the killer, Yua suspected Takumi of being the killer, and the police suspected both Takumi and Ayase as possible killers.
The actual murderer was Mamoru Suwa who was using a porter device to create a delusion for Takumi of a much bloodier murder scene with many more stakes. Both Suwa and Takumi were having delusions at the same time, and Rimi, who was present, too, to prevent the murder from happening, synchronized with Suwa, Takumi's and (presumably) Shogun's delusions, making it look as if she was the killer and not Suwa. Rimi still got to greet Takumi, but her bad timing backfired and Takumi became convinced she was the killer and started calling her the “Demon Girl”. This also worked out well for Suwa, since Rimi also saw herself where Suwa was and nobody saw Suwa commit the crime, with the delusion of Rimi being the killer hiding the reality of Suwa being the killer.

The Vampbuyer
Vampbuyer was the fourth New Gen incident, another murder with one victim. At 5:30 in the morning on October 10, 2009, a janitor found a green corpse in the bathroom at a train station. The identity of the victim was uncertain. The words ”Whose eyes are those eyes?” (or “Sono me, dare no me?” in Japanese) were written on the wall in blood.
The most peculiar aspect of the case was that the victim had had all the blood drained from their body, which is why the body was green, and also how the case got its name. The picture of the murder was taken by the murderer and posted in an online Taboo! auction that was auctioning off this photograph of the murder. Taboo! quickly took down the auction page after it found out about it. The victim had Type B blood. Prior to this murder, there had been fliers given out in public saying that there was a shortage of Type B blood, most likely by the killer or someone connected to them, but nobody knew who had given out the fliers.
The words written on the wall really got to Takumi Nishijou, who remembered coming up with the phrase “Whose eyes are those eyes?” as a kid but not telling anyone since back when he wrote a paper about it in elementary school. He correctly surmised that whoever did this killing was deliberately trying to mess with him.

Numbskull was the fifth New Gen incident, yet another murder with one victim. Around dawn on October 23, 2009, the corpse of Fumio Takashina, Takumi Nishijou’s psychiatrist at AH Tokyo General Hospital, was discovered lying in the street, dead because of physical debilitation through insufficient nutrition.
The back of the doctor's cranium was cleanly cut away, and his brain had been taken out. Despite the removal of the brain, he remained alive in a state akin to that of brain death. The media went crazy because of how ironic the incident was, a psychiatrist with no brain.
The one who murdered him was Shino Hazuki, the nurse who was his assistant at AH Tokyo General Hospital. Takumi correctly interpreted this murder as targeted at disrupting his mental stability.
Finger Food[]

Finger Food
Finger Food was the sixth New Gen incident, again a murder with only one victim. A female victim, 27-year-old Tokachi Ayami of the Edogawa district, was found dead at 8 PM on October 28, 2009 in the Shibuya River, on the day after the Second Melt earthquake, with the muscles of her right hand stripped away and the bone and traces of human flesh found in her stomach.
Her ankles were also bound with a cord. She was suspected of having eaten her own right hand and had apparently suffocated to death due to blockage of her throat. Police investigated it as both a suicide and a homicide. The naming for this one is rather obvious, since she ate her own hand.
Takumi Nishijou interpreted this crime as mocking what had happened a day earlier, when he had found his sister Nanami Nishijou’s right hand in a box that was supposedly a “present” from Shogun.
Finger Food was left out of the ChäoS;HEAd anime along with the related O-Front incident involving the fake Shogun with a Darth Spider mask blackmailing Takumi using Nanami’s dismembered right hand and threatening to kill her; they are replaced with an anime-only episode where Takumi Nishijou, Sena Aoi, and Kozue Orihara confront Gen'ichi Norose in the basement of N.O.Z.O.M.I. headquarters and destroy a prototype of Noah II. Because of that, the final New Gen killing, DQN Puzzle, was the sixth rather than the seventh New Gen incident in the ChäoS;HEAd anime.
In the retelling of the events of ChäoS;HEAd in Episode 0 of the ChäoS;Child anime all seven cases, including Finger Food, are present.
DQN Puzzle[]

DQN Puzzle being reported by a news channel
DQN Puzzle was the seventh and final New Gen incident, this time with three murder victims. At around 4:50 a.m. on November 4, 2009, three male corpses were discovered at one of the iron poles along the railroad tracks in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. The victims were Fujita Kouhei, an unemployed 19-year-old, Anzawa Saburou, a 20-year-old college student, and Takagi Ryou, a 19-year-old part-timer, all of them juvenile delinquents.
The three bodies were each severed in half through the torso, with wounds lacking the sharp lacerations one would expect to see in cuts made by a type of blade. Their upper bodies and lower bodies were each switched with one another and sewn back together with sturdy thread. Wounds that can be read as “D”, “Q” and “N” were marked into their respective foreheads. Before the death of the victims, the three men had been summoned by the perpetrator, Mamoru Suwa, and were then lethally ripped apart by his realbooted delusion of an alien from Spark Wars.
On the message board @channel, someone leaked photographs of the crime scene prior to reports about the incident, and it was rapidly “certified” as the seventh New Gen case. It was dubbed the “DQN puzzle” because of how the victims’ upper and lower bodies had been recoupled. On @channel, DQN is used to mean “people lacking social common sense”, such as juvenile delinquents, slackers, gangsters, etc.
The three victims had previously ganged up to beat up Takumi Nishijou, paid to do it by someone impersonating Shogun who was wearing a Darth Spider mask, specifically Mamoru Suwa. Fortunately for Takumi, however, he had managed to defeat them at that time. The DQN Puzzle case involved people being killed for the purpose of psychologically messing with Takumi yet again.
In ChäoS;HEAd NoAH[]
In Takumi's delusion reality in Nanami's route, Finger Food never happened, and the sixth New Gen incident was instead Domin-ate-trix, in which a 31-year-old man named Yasuyuki Hashiya was found dead by asphyxiation due to swallowing a large number of pieces of a female Suimei Academy uniform, which was assumed to belong to Nanami Nishijou. The corpse was found early in the morning on October 28th in Shoto in Shibuya.
- The minor antagonist character 4℃ (aka Shido) in the original Steins;Gate visual novel acts very evil and calls himself “part of the New Generation”, making an approving reference to the New Generation Madness and pretending like he was a part of it.
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Organizations and Locations | Committee of 300 • N.O.Z.O.M.I. • Ark Heart Medical • AH Tokyo General Hospital • The Meiwa Party • FaithWorks Limited • Cosmic Church of the Divine Light • Suimei Private Academy • Freesia Credit Bureau • Phantasm • The Base • @café • O-Front | |
Project Noah | Project Noah • Ir2 equation • Noah II • Visual Rebuilding • New Generation Madness • Gero Froggy • Gravitational Error Rate • First Melt • Second Melt • Third Melt • | |
Gigalomaniacs | Gigalomaniacs • DI-Sword • Realbooting • Biorhythm • Dirac Sea | |
Other | Whose eyes are those eyes? • Blood Tune |