ChäoS;HEAd Wiki
ChäoS;HEAd Wiki

Shogun (将軍, Shōgun), known as The General in English dub of the ChäoS;HEAd anime, is a poster on a chat forum who posted pictures of the third New Gen crime and who Takumi Nishijou was deathly afraid of.


Shogun looks like a sick, small, and wrinkled old man despite having the height of a ten year old and is wheelchair-bound. He wears a black beanie, which was knitted by Nanami Nishijou, to cover his baldness, with black pants and a black jacket. His eyes are normally covered under the beanie, making a shadow that covers them. He really is as sick as his thin, frail body looks, and does not have much longer to live.


Shogun is shown to be calm at any time of trouble. He is determined to defeat the people behind Project Noah and Noah II, most notably the leader of N.O.Z.O.M.I., Gen'ichi Norose. He is rather cold and calculating, willing to take actions that make others and himself suffer if it is necessary to fulfill his goals before he dies. His main goal is to get the delusionary Takumi Nishijou to awaken as a Gigalomaniac so that Takumi can defeat N.O.Z.O.M.I. and Norose, and destroy Noah II on his behalf.

However, Shogun ist still shown feeling guilty over having realbooted the Ir2 equation that lead to the creation of Noah II and Project Noah, as well as over having created the delusionary Takumi Nishijou, putting all responsibility on him and trying to stress him out, and thus actively making him suffer. He regards his own incoming death as punishment for his “sins“. In Rimi's ending and in the True Ending, he completely liberates Takumi and thus relieves him of any potentially remaining responsibilties.

He has a very close relationship with Rimi Sakihata, as the person who saved her, and as the person she has devoted herself to. However, Rimi’s main goal is to prolong Shogun's life, which means that she wants to keep Takumi from awakening, while Shogun’s main goal is to get Takumi to awaken so Takumi can do what Shogun cannot. Rimi and Shogun thereby have directly conflicting goals. If Shogun succeeds in bringing Takumi to awaken, it will mean Shogun’s death, but Shogun is still willing to engage in this self-sacrifice as a means of atonement.


Young Takumi

Takumi when he was a child.

In reality, Shogun’s real name is Takumi Nishijou, his frequent unconscious use of Gigalomaniac powers led to him developing a disease, which started visibly taking effect at the age of ten with the conception of the Ir2 equation. This new state stopped him from growing or undergoing puberty and eventually aged him physically to the point where he could no longer walk, went bald, and was covered in wrinkles.

Because of his condition, he was told he could not go on a field trip, which made him upset. In spite, he imagined his school bus crashing and drew a picture of it, and then the bus crash happened exactly like he had envisioned, his elementary school teacher dying in the crash. That incident emotionally scarred him and he became mute for several years, thinking he may have caused the crash. Right after the crash, his family started taking him to AH Tokyo General Hospital to treat what they assumed to be a form of PTSD, while in reality it was just Takumi refusing to talk. Originally his doctor was the sadistic Gen'ichi Norose but that did not last long and soon Dr. Fumio Takashina took over, but he was still under the watch of N.O.Z.O.M.I. agents.

The Ir2 equation was written on the back on his essay titled “Whose eyes are those eyes?” describing his dreams in which he meet his future self who visits him in a time machine, telling him God is real. Takumi's mother said that God is always watching and that he will make you go to hell if you do bad things, but that God does not watch you do bad things, but that it is a scary man instead. Takumi calls that man the “Whose eyes are those eyes monster”.

As Takumi's health kept spiraling, eventually he had to stay in the hospital. The Ir2 equation was discovered on the back of Takumi's essay, displayed in Shibuya, by the researcher Issei Hatano and later on, once Takumi found out about his powers, how N.O.Z.O.M.I. owned the hospital and their plans to collect people like him for Noah II by reading Gen'ichi Norose's mind, he hid himself away in a secret room at the end of a hallway that he made look like a dead end by creating a delusion that applied to everyone except himself and his younger sister, Nanami Nishijou. She did not even seems to recognize the room as separate from the hospital. Although, some patients of the AH Tokyo General Hospital could see Shogun as well and called him “Ami-chan” (allegedly short for Takumi-chan), creating in the same way a legend about a ghost in the hospital.

Shogun realized he would be stuck in the hospital for the rest of his short life. His caring younger sister Nanami regularly visited him for years to check up on him and confirm he was still alive on behalf of their parents, and made sure he was eating properly. To prevent her from being seen on her way to his hospital room, he created a delusion where she seemed to be invisible. Later on, he also managed to save Rimi Sakihata when she was being tortured in the basement of AH Tokyo General Hospital by Gen'ichi Norose to awaken her Gigalomaniac powers. Through a Delusion Synchronization, he showed Rimi the blue sky for the first time and gave her a reason to live. A few months later, Rimi was released and became a regular visitor just like his sister Nanami, and with her own strong Gigalomaniac powers, Rimi could easily find Shogun despite him being in a hidden part of the hospital that only he and his sister were supposed to see.

A year and half before the events of ChäoS;HEAd, he realbooted the delusionary Takumi Nishijou and thus brought him into being. The effort of such a delusion put him in a coma for a year and a half. Shogun implanted Takumi with a few false memories along with most of his own memories, and also erased Nanami’s memories of visiting him in the hospital, and instead made Nanami think that the new “Takumi Nishijou” he created was her brother. Nanami continued her habit of regularly checking up on her brother to confirm he was alive and eating properly, except, since her new brother was perfectly healthy unlike her real brother who was dying, it made no sense for her to do this and it just seemed to be out of habit. He also tried to do so with Rimi, but with her Gigalomaniac's powers being stronger than he had anticipated, Shogun failed to erase her memory and gave up on the idea.

Shogun created the delusionary Takumi because he needed someone to destroy Noah II, but because of his illness, he was unable to do so himself. Ever since he saved Rimi, she swore to help him. Shogun did everything he could to try to get Takumi to awaken, despite the fact that if he did, Shogun would probably die. Whenever Takumi creates a delusion, because they are one and the same, it shortens the life of Shogun and makes him weaker, and since Rimi cares about Shogun, she wants to prevent Takumi from creating any more delusions or awakening his Gigalomaniac powers.


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Shogun first appeared in a chat room in which he sent Takumi Nishijou photos of the future third case of the New Generation Madness along with “Whose eyes are those eyes?”, a recurrent question Takumi asked in his head whenever he felt an unidentifiable gaze. This was on purpose to startle Takumi.

Shogun did not want Rimi Sakihata to interfere in any of his plans, but as she is a meddler and deeply cares about him, and although Shogun tried to erase her memories many times, he failed every time and eventually learned to put up with Rimi’s interference. However, he was quite annoyed that, after all the effort he put in to try to awaken Takumi by stressing him out, Rimi kept constantly being nice to Takumi and doing things to calm him down and keep him from awakening, as this meant the New Gen serial killings went on for longer and more people were being killed, and Shogun had hoped he could awaken Takumi faster and not have to deal with such interference, even though the cost of awakening Takumi is Shogun’s own life. But he could not stay mad at Rimi, since Rimi was doing this out of love because she cared so much about Shogun, and Shogun cared about her too.

Shogun introduces himself to Takumi in person at the Shibuya Crossing, by making a delusion in which everyone in Shibuya disappeared, to try to tell him he needs to awaken to prevent more people from being killed in the New Gen serial killings. This is, of course, misinterpreted as a threat by Takumi.

Mamoru Suwa tried to deceive the delusionary Takumi several times, committed several killings while in a wheelchair and wearing a Darth Spider mask and pretending to be Shogun, assumedly to throw Takumi off and make Takumi distrust Shogun.

Later on, Shogun tells Takumi about him being the real Takumi Nishijou and how Takumi is a realbooted delusion he created to do what he could not, and explains how the other Shougun, who is involved in the New Gen crimes, is an imposter and that he (Shogun) was not into cosplay (i.e. the real Shogun does not wear Darth Spider masks), and that it is Shogun’s eyes who have always been watching Takumi. Takumi asks Shogun to erase him, saying he has nothing to do with the situation. However, Shogun dismisses his plea, telling him that if Takumi awakens, he will die, and explaining to Takumi how every time Takumi creates a delusion, this shortens Shogun’s life and he becomes weaker.

The point of this is that it would be meaningless for Shogun to erase Takumi, because Shogun is going to die soon anyway, and Takumi needs to take over for Shogun, defeat Gen'ichi Norose and destroy Noah II. Something Shogun would do himself if he had the power, but he has to give that responsibility to Takumi instead because Shogun is too weak. Predictably, Shogun dies after Gen'ichi Norose and Noah II are destroyed by Takumi, although how long Shogun survives depends on the ending, as in some endings Takumi dies and Shogun lives a little longer, wheras in the True Ending, Takumi survives and Shogun dies faster.


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  • Shogun likes mathematics[1], philosophy[1] and studying quantum physics[1], but dislikes green peas[1] and shiitake[1].


  • Shogun himself says that he chose his name simply because he is an admirer of “Tōgō Shogun” (東郷 将軍, Tōgō Shōgun), in Delusion of Zero, a short story about what led up to the events of ChäoS;HEAd written from Shogun’s point of view. This is most likely a reference to Tōgō Heihachirō.
  • Shogun's real first name Takumi means “clear (the land), open, break up (land)” (拓, taku) and “snake, serpent, 9-11AM” (巳, mi).[4]
  • Shogun's real surname Nishijou means “west, Spain” (西, nishi) and “article, twig, ray of light” (條, jou).[5]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ChäoS;HEAd & Steins;Gate: Science Adventure Series Maniacs
  2. Deduced: if Shogun is born on this day and is this age during ChäoS;HEAd, which takes place in 2008, then he would be born this year. However, since the events of ChäoS;HEAd seem to take place in 2009 for the rest of the Science Adventure Series, it is possible that his birth year was retconned to be a year later.
  3. Deduced: since we know Shogun is in reality a certain someone, then we can deduce he has the same blood type.
  4. 拓巳 -
  5. 西條 -


Main Characters Takumi NishijouRimi SakihataAyase KishimotoNanami NishijouKozue OriharaSena AoiYua Kusunoki
Side Characters Daisuke MisumiFumio TakashinaShogunIssei HatanoKatsuko MomoseYasuji Ban
Antagonists Gen'ichi NoroseKouzou InohanaYuudai KuramochiShino HazukiMamoru Suwa
Blood Tune Seira OrgelErin-fray OrgelSedna Février
Gigalomaniacs Takumi NishijouRimi SakihataNanami NishijouAyase KishimotoSena AoiKozue OriharaYua KusunokiGen'ichi NoroseShogun