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ChäoS;HEAd Wiki


The conception of Gero Froggies and its booming success are no accident, Gero Froggies are part of a much bigger experiment in mass mind control, part of the Committee of 300’s Project Noah, and connected with other experiments being done by N.O.Z.O.M.I. into mind control and Gigalomaniacs. It is actually normal for there to be fads among teenage girls and for them to line up to buy cute things that are popular and trendy; the anomaly here that involves mind control is the teenage girls being brainwashed into thinking Gero Froggies are cute instead of ugly, as well as the degree to which all of them unthinkingly participate in this fad, and their willingness to wait in long lines for many hours instead of just a few minutes.

The fact that this was all a result of mind control becomes even more evident if you look at how after the Project Noah experiments stopped, everybody suddenly lost interest in Gero Froggies, nobody wanted them anymore or understood why they had ever liked them, and even people trying to give theirs away for free had a hard time finding anyone willing to accept them, resulting in them being donated to Shinto shrines like the Yanabayashi Shrine in Akihabara as offerings, since the shrines were one of the few places willing to accept them once they became worthless.

If you look at the historical context of Tulip Mania in the Netherlands, when everyone wanted to buy tulips and the price of tulips became vastly overinflated, and at its peak in the 1630s, a single tulip bulb was worth 10 years of income from a skilled craftsworker, there are historical parallels for this phenomenon, but the difference is, in the past, they happened randomly by accident, but the Gero Froggy fad was completely controlled. The implications of this are clear: using this same technology that made Gero Froggies popular, all consumer behavior can be controlled through mass mind control without anyone even knowing they are being controlled, and the entire economy can easily be controlled by a small group of people.

This also can be extended to other aspects of human behavior outside of economics, such as getting people to vote for The Meiwa Party, and ultimately keep the entire world population pacified and used by the Committee of 300 to achieve world domination, their New World Order.

This section contains spoilers for Steins;Gate. Do not read it unless you have played the game or seen the anime or want to be spoiled.
In the Alpha Attractor Field worldlines, the character John Titor from Steins;Gate personally witnessed a dystopian future in the year 2036 where the Committee of 300 had managed to achieve this in a different way, through the organization SERN, and described a world without any war or conflict, where everyone just blindly followed orders, and you never saw strong emotional displays from people. This would seem to imply that people’s biorhythms were mostly slowed down in order to keep them passive, unemotional, and submissive, using the exact same technology that was used to get teenage girls to buy Gero Froggies for world domination.